Compiled by Pejman Akbarzadeh

– Ackerman, Phyllis. “The Character of Persian Music“. A Survey of Persian Art, 3, 1939.
– Asadi, Hooman. “Aspects of Musical Life in 19th Century Persia“. Paper presented to the Conference on the Qajar Epoch. 1-4 September, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1999.
– Beeman, William. “You Can Take the Music Out of the Country, but … : The Dynamics of Change in Iranian Musical Tradition“, Asian Music, 7 : 2 (1974).
– Blum, Stephen. “The Concept of ‘Asheq in Northern Khorasan“. Journal of the Society for Asian Music, 4, 1972.
– Blum, Stephen. “Music in Contact; The Cultivation of Oral Repertoires in Meshed, Iran“. Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1972.
– Caron, Nelly. “The Ta’zieh, the Sacred Theatre of Iran“. The World of Music, 17:4 (1975).
– Caton, Margaret. “The Classical ‘Tasnif’; A Genre of Persian Vocal Music“. Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles, 1983.
– Christensen, Arthur. “Persian Melody-names of the Sasanian Period“. Hoshang Memorial Volume, Bombay, 1918.
– During, Jean. “Music, Poetry and Visual Arts in Persia“. The World of Music, 1, 1982.
– Farhat, Hormoz. “The Dastgah Concept in Persian Music“. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.
– Farhat, Hormoz. “Western Musical Influences in Persia“. Musicological Annual XXVII, Ljublijana, 1991.
– Farmer, Henry George. “The Old Persian Musical Modes“. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1937.
– Farmer, Henry George. “The Instruments of Music on the Taq-i Bustan, Bas-Reliefs“. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1938.
– Gerson-Kiwi, Edith. “The Persian Doctorin of Dastgah Composition; (A Phonemenological Study in the Musical Modes)”, Tel-Aviv, 1963.
– Hajjarian, Mohsen [Aryan, M.H.]. “Ghazal as a Determining Factor on the Structure of the Iranian Dastgah“. Ph.D. Maryland University 1999.
– Khoshzamir, Mojtaba. “Ali Naqi Vaziri and his Influence on Music and Music Education in Iran“.Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1979.
– Khoshzamir, Mojtaba. “Aspects of the Persian tasnif“. University of Illinois, unpublished M.M. thesis, 1975.
– Klitz, Brian, and Norman Cherlin. “Musical Acculturation in Iran“. Iranian Studies 4, 1971.
– Lucas, Ann. “Music of a thousand years : a new history of Persian musical traditions“, University of California Press, 2019.
– Mahmoud, Parviz. “A Theory of Persian Music and Its Relation to Western Practice“. Ph.D., Indiana University, 1956.
– Miller, Lloyd. “Music and Song in Persia“. Curzon Press, London, 1999.
– Modir, Hafez. “Research Model in Ethnomusicology Applied to the Radif Phenomenon in Iranian Classical Music“, Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 3, 1986.
– Mohammadi, Mohsen. “Modal modernities: formation of Persian classical music and the recording of a national tradition” Ph.D dissertation, Utrecht University, 2017.
– Movahed, Azin. “The Persian Nei: A Study of the Instrument and Its Musical Style“. University of Illinois, 1993.
– Nettl, Bruno. “The Radif of Persian Music, Studies of Structure and Cultural Context“, Elephant and Cat. Champaign, Illinois, 1987.
– Nettl, Bruno with Bela Foltin. Jr., “Daramad of Chahargah; a Study in the Performance Practice of Persian Music“. Michigan: Information Coordinators Inc., 1972.
– Nooshin, Laudan. “The processes of creation and recreation in Persian classical music.” Ph.D dissertation, University of London, 1996.
– Paranj, Shahab. “The Concept and Organization of the Rhythm in Persian Āvāzi-Sytle Music” Ph.D dissertation, UCLA. 2021.
– Sadeghi, Manoochehr, “Improvisation in Nonrhythmic solo Instrumental Contemporary Persian Art Music“, MA, California State College at Los Angeles, 1971.
– Simms, Rob. “Avaz in the Recordings of Mohammad Reza Shajarian“. unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, 1996.
– Talai, Dariush. “A New Approach to the Theory of Persian Art Music“. Mahur Cultural & Art Publications, Tehran, 1993.
– Tsuge, Gen’ichi. “Rhythmic Aspects of Avaz in Persian Music“. Ethnomusicology, 14 , 1970.
– Wright, Owen. “The Modal System of Arab and Persian Music AD 1250-1300“, London: Oxford University Press,1978.
– Zonis, Ella. “Contemporary Art Music in Persia“. Musical Quarterly, 51, 1965.
-Zonis, Ella. “Classical Persian Music; An Introduction“. Cambridge-Mass:, Harvard University Press, 1973.
NOTE : Persia = Iran